Willow Bend, in partnership with the Open Space Program will be leading FREE guided tours to Picture Canyon during spring and summer. Tours are free and offered on a first come first serve basis.
We also offer private tours for community groups. To schedule a tour for your group please contact Melissa: melissa@willowbendcenter.org, (928) 7791745

Family Guided Program, August 20th, 2023 - 10:00AM-12:00PM
Willow Bend, in partnership with City of Flagstaff’s Open Space Program, will be leading a FREE guided family-focused tour of Picture Canyon. Tour will include a short hike and fun hands on outdoor focused activities for the whole family. Learn about urban forestry, open space, wildlife and more!
Directions and details sent upon registration. Please wear comfortable shoes, bring sunscreen a hat and plenty of water. The event is FREE but registration is required.
Directions to Trailhead: From downtown Flagstaff, travel west on Route 66 toward the Flagstaff Mall. Turn right on Route 66 and left on El Paso Flagstaff Road. The trailhead is approximately ½ mile down the road on the right side.