For over three decades, Willow Bend has been offering teachers and non-formal educators high-quality, locally-focused professional development opportunities. Our teacher workshops are usually offered in three or six hour blocks and are recognized by the Flagstaff Unified School District for seat hours and continuing education credits.
Willow Bend Teacher Workshops are usually free to participants. However, space is always limited and prior sign-up is required.

Fire Ecology Learning Lab Classroom Materials Workshop, October 5th, 12:30-3:30
Join Willow Bend Environmental Education and the Fire Ecology Learning Lab for a free workshop on fire ecology, specifically designed for educators.The Fire Ecology Learning Lab is a standards-aligned middle school curriculum. It was created to help students explore the biotic communities of New Mexico and Arizona, investigate how wildland fire impacts these regions, and consider how the region’s land and fire are managed. The lessons are low or no cost and materials are free to download. Learn more and download the free materials here: New Mexico and Arizona classroom teachers qualify for a gift card from the Bureau of Land Management. The workshop will be held at Willow Bend Center.
Sign up here.
Past Workshops

Story Maps in the Classroom
Educators will collect and organize data and learn how to use and create map-centered digital stories through ArcGIS. This is a hands-on workshop. Over the course of two days, you will move from collecting and organizing data to mapping that data to finally creating a story map with the data. By the time you leave on Sunday, you will have a finished product. Our hope is that by going through the entire experience in the workshop, you will be better prepared to guide your students through this process.
Formal and non-formal teachers welcomed, recommended for grade 3 teachers and above.

Climate Change and Renewable Energy
Join Willow Bend Environmental Education Center and the City of Flagstaff Sustainability Section to learn about climate change and renewable energy curriculum and teacher check-out kits (4th-12th grades). The first section of the workshop will cover the 2020 Youth Climate Summit, local climate change threats and how you can mentor youth through a climate action project. The second section of the workshop will cover renewable energy teacher check-out kits and prepare mentors for the KidWind Challenge. Workshop is free and open to teachers and nonformal educators. Lunch included.

Frances Short Pond
Willow Bend will be leading an afternoon teacher workshop to Frances Short Pond exploring this urban outdoor gem through hands on educational activities, review of check out kits, available resources, and more.
The workshop is designed for K-5 teachers and non formal environmental educators who want to take students on field trips to the pond or design in-class activities that focus on local wildlife, habitats, and watersheds. Specifically, the workshop will cover pond and cabin history, facilitate a few fun wildlife focused activities that can be done on or off site, conduct basic water quality testing, and review check out kits and materials available for teacher use at the cabin.

Picture Canyon Saturday
Willow Bend will be leading a morning teacher workshop to Picture Canyon Natural and Cultural Preserve. Participants will explore this unique open space on a 3 mile hike covering the natural and human history, highlighting points of interest (including the petroglyphs and the waterfall) and sharing fun hands on activities. The workshop is designed for teachers and non formal environmental educators.