Sponsorship Opprtunities

Willow Bend is Flagstaff and Coconino County’s only year-round, full-time environmental education center. With ever-decreasing funding for education, we depend on business partners like you who value and understand the importance of investing in our children and our environment through ongoing, science-based, outdoor environmental education. With support from our business community, Willow Bend can provide classroom education, field trips, teacher workshops, and community events to Northern Arizona residents and visitors. Willow Bend is an ideal venue for educational outreach, reaching over 17,000 students, community members, and visitors each year!

Below is a breakdown of business partner levels:

Juniper Level $500-$999/Year (Supporter)

  • Add your logo to our website under Program Partners (visited by approximately 5400 people per year).
  • Recognition in our annual report (available on our website, at our Center, and distributed to City, County, and state leadership as well as major donors).
  • Appreciation Party invitation and honorable mention at party.

Aspen Level $1,000-$1,999/Year (Sustaining)

All of the above, Plus:

  • Quarterly recognition on Facebook (with over 2500 likes and an average weekly reach exceeding 5,000).
  • Quarterly recognition in the E-newsletter (reaching 1,800 subscribers).
  • Your logo added to the Discovery Room program partners board (visited by over 3,500 visitors annually).


Ponderosa Level $2,000-$2,999/Year (Sponsor)

All of the above, Plus:

  • Link to your website from our Partners Page.
  • Add your logo to parent outreach materials
  • Send out a press release about the program and our partnership.

Oak Level $3,000-$4,999/Year (Champion)

All of the above, plus:

  • An advertised thank you from Willow Bend announced on KNAU.
  • Posting a full article about our partnership on our website’s News section.
  • Adding your logo at the end of our 2-minute Willow Bend promotional film.

Willow Level $5,000 and above/Year (Champion)

All of the above, plus:

  • Logos on our Prius.

To become a business partner please contact our Interim-Executive Director Melissa Eckstrom at melissa@willowbendcenter.org, (928) 779 1745.