Giving Tuesday- Support Environmental Education

On this GivingTuesday, November 29, individuals, families, businesses, sponsors, and friends have the opportunity to support causes that are important to them and make a difference!


GivingTuesday’s idea is simple: Create a collective impact of giving! Over the past few years, this idea has grown into a global movement that generates millions in charitable giving.

We know there are many worthy causes out there, today, and every day. Please consider supporting environmental education for this year’s GivingTuesday and our Year-End appeal. Help us reach our fundraising goal of $9,000.

Donations will go directly towards:

  1. Supporting free Science Saturday events
  2. Creating new and improved much needed teacher check-out kits
  3. Development of a new community guided tour
  4. Improvements to Willow Bend’s outdoor spaces
  5. Brining more live wildlife events and Leave No Trace educational programs to Willow Bend.