Kids Holiday Gift Making

Willow Bend Environmental Education Center is excited to host a gift making program for children.  This free event is on December 6th between 10 am and 2 pm at Willow Bend Environmental Education Center (703 East Sawmill Rd.) Visitors may drop in anytime between 10 am and 2pm.

IMG_1452Join Willow Bend as we make fun holiday gifts out of natural and/or reusable materials. We will be making gifts such as picture frames and dream catchers. We will also have several other fun gift making projects and all supplies will be provided.

Why make a gift out of recycled or natural materials?  It’s environmentally friendly since you may be preventing something from going to the landfill; there are few resources consumed in the making of your gift; it allows for creativity; it will be a one-of-a-kind gem that someone will cherish; and it’s free!

This event is part of the ongoing Family Science Series hosted monthly at Willow Bend Environmental Education Center.  At Willow Bend’s programs parents and children learn together and explore nature through interactive games and presentations on different natural history topics.

The series is sponsored by Mountain Sports.

This event is free but a $5 donation is gladly accepted.