Post written by: Andy Gould, Willow Bend board member and tour participant.
Picture Canyon is one of my favorite hikes around Flagstaff. The perennial stream flowing through it is the centerpiece of this beautiful wooded canyon. An outing organized by Willow Bend on May 13 was certainly not my first visit. What made it special was all the wonderful people who attended (over 50 participants!) and all that I learned from our leaders about the area’s history. The great variety of petroglyphs is always amazing. I learned a great deal from archeologists Neil Weintraub and Peter Pilles. The really impressive part of its recent history is the story of the efforts of many individuals and community organizations that transformed it from a ditch for treated sewage and a dump for abandoned cars to the beautiful natural and historic preserve that it is today. The public hikes led by Willow Bend are a great way to learn about the history of this amazing place, both ancient and modern. They are also a great way to learn about the plants and animals and the important role of the Rio de Flag in sustaining this special place.

Archeologist and board member Neil Weintraub giving a talk about the area’s rich history

A beautiful day to be outside

Over 50 participants joined Willow Bend for the first tour of the season