Thank You AZ Community Foundation of Flagstaff and Partners

On Sepcommunity foundation 2015tember 21st the Arizona Community Foundation of Flagstaff hosted its Annual Grant Awards Ceremony at High Country Conference Center. The room was packed with Flagstaff’s amazing non-profits, Community Foundation staff, and  program and grant partners.  One-by-one grants were awarded in each category, from K-12 Education to Social Services and Health.



Willow Bgrant award 1end was honored to receive a generous grant from the Community Foundation, the Geo Fund, and W.L Gore and Associates.

grant award



The funds will go towards our new “Urban Trails and Community Connections: Linking Flagstaff through Schools, Trails, and the Rio de Flag”.  The project provides 200 elementary and middle-school students with over 220 hours of environmental education programming. Classroom presentations, field experiences, and service-learning projects will engage students and teachers with local ecosystems found along the Rio de Flag and Flagstaff Urban Trail System.

Thank you!