We are excited to announce a new program starting in March!
Through the Flagstaff Arts Council special Project Arts and Science Grant and the City of Flagstaff BBB revenues, we will be launching the “Art of Science” program. The program will run between March and June (2018) and include monthly art workshops. Each workshop will focus on a different topic, utilize a different art medium or technique, and feature a different lead artist and guest scientist.
Each workshop will start with a lecture or a hike led by a guest scientists, and continue with one-on-one instruction from the lead artist. Participants will get to create nature focused works of art and participate in Willow Bend’s monthly art exhibitions.
Topics and dates:
March 10th: The Art of Birds the Science of Birding
April 28th: The Secret Life of Bees (and Other Pollinators)
May 19th: Navajo Basket Weaving
June 30th: Plants and Colors, Fabrics and Dyes
More information on artists, guest scientists, times, registration and costs coming soon…