In an effort to stay true to our mission, and continue serving the community, we will begin providing environmentally focused programs through social media.We will offer two programs a week on Wednesdays and Fridays at 11am through Facebook Live. You can view these programs for free and find materials and schedules on our FB page. In addition we will post the schedules and activities each Monday on this blog.
Program Schedule for April 1st and April 3rd:
Wednesday April 1st, 11am, Seeds on the Move: Seeds need to move and grow just like we do! This program will cover several methods of seed dispersal and end with a fun seed sprouting demonstration. You will need a plastic zip lock bag, a paper towel, and a seed (beans can be an option though they don’t always sprout).
Follow up activities include seed art templates. Just click on the image to download. Of course, you can also make your own!
Friday, April 3rd, 11am, Exploring Earthworms – Why are worms so important for the planet? What do they eat? How are their body parts different than ours? We will answer all this and more. Virtually meet our worm friends, and listen to a “heartworming” story.

Worm Search!