The Coconino Plateau Watershed Partnership (a branch of the Coconino Plateau Water Advisory Council), and Willow Bend Environmental Education Center are excited to announce this year’s winners of the 4th Grade Water Ethic Contest. The 8th annual contest was open to all 4th grade classes throughout Coconino County, including cities, towns, and tribal communities.
The contest creates a fun and rewarding opportunity to introduce children to the concept of ethical water use, including conserving, rainwater harvesting, and water reuse. It also provides an opportunity for the classrooms to discuss where our water comes from and the importance of healthy watersheds, clean waterways, and water for all living things and uses. Participating students demonstrate the principle of responsible water use through both artwork and essays.
Five schools participated in this year’s contest, and the winning students came from Mrs. Mimran’s class at Sechrist Elementary. An Award of Merit goes to Mrs. Federio-Carolus from DeMiguel Elementary, Mrs. Fisk from Marshall Elementary, Ms. Brosius from Montessori School, and Ms. Bolden from Thomas Elementary.
Contest Winners:
Best Overall- Isabella S., Sechrist
2nd Place Art- Lily H. and Lily S., Sechrist
2nd Place Essay- Camden K., Sechrist
3rd Place Art- Helena C. and Cora J., Sechrist
3rd Place Essay- Helena C. and Cora J., Sechrist
The winning class will be treated to an in-class pizza party, and all other participating classes will be treated to an ice-cream social. The winning students will also receive additional prizes and all participating classes will be rewarded with Water Saver Superhero Toolkits that include rain gauges, water conservation coloring books, playing cards, and a reusable bag that has the winning students’ artwork displayed on them, and other fun prizes like stickers and magnets. The teacher of the winning entries receives a $900 cash prize for their inclusion of award winning water education into their curriculum.
Another exciting aspect of the contest is that the 4th grader’s submissions are utilized for promoting water stewardship throughout Northern Arizona. Posters are created for classrooms, events, presentations, and are developed into bathroom water awareness signs. The bathroom signs have grown in popularity and can be seen at several public places such as the Grand Canyon South Rim Visitor’s Center, City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, City of Sedona, Northern Arizona University, Marshall Elementary, Grand Canyon School, and many more places throughout the community are in the process of obtaining the bathroom posters.
This year’s submissions will also be featured at the Coconino Center for the Arts Fall 2019 special water exhibition. The exhibit will incorporate professional artists who have participated in programs geared towards education on water awareness hosted by the Coconino Plateau Watershed Partnership and other community partners. This is an exciting opportunity for all participating students to have their art reach an even wider audience in an effort to educate visitors on water awareness.